School Rules & Regulations

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1.  Discipline is an integral part of the learning process. Every student should maintain strict discipline inside and outside the School.
2.  Every Student must bring School identity card daily.
3.  Disrespect or any ill treatment to any teacher or staff members by the students shall not be tolerated.
4.  Students are strictly prohibited from consuming drugs, alcohol and any other intoxicants.
5.  Indulging in bad habits like smoking, chewing pans, taking tobacco etc. are liable to be expelled from the School.
6. Banging, Shouting, Singing and fightings are strictly prohibited. It may lead to suspension/expulsion from school.
7.  Any person including parents or guardians cannot meet a student without prior permission of the Principal.
8.  Any damage done to the School property, a fine commensurate with the extent of damage shall be imposed on the student responsible for it.
9.  Using of unfair means in any form in the examinations of the School shall not be allowed to continue his / her studies in the School.
10.  Bunking from class or leaving the school premises without the knowledge of principal is strictly prohibited.
11.  Girl students must be smart, neat and clean.
12.  Boy students must be smart in their dresses with a short clear hair cut.
13.  The school uniform is obligatory on all school days and official functions. It is the duty of the parents to see that their wards go to school neatly, dressed in the prescribed uniform. School T-shirts be worn on Wednesdays and Fridays only.
14.  Every student shall endeavour to make the school proud by excelling in studies and good manners. Politeness, courtesy in speech and conduct as well as cleanliness and grace of person are to be cherished.
15.  Students are not allowed to go out of the campus during school hours, including recess time without the Principal’s permission.
16.  Mobile phone or cell phone is strictly prohibited. Mobile numbers of students to be submitted to the school must be of the parents/guardians. In case of any loss of mobile phone, a report be given to the Principal/ Vice-Principal immediately with working mobile number.